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winning with sustainability what business travel can learn from paris 2024

Winning with sustainability: What business travel can learn from Paris 2024

The Paris 2024 Olympics are underway, and while we’re glued to the edge of our seats cheering for Team New Zealand, there’s another race happening behind the scenes—the race for sustainability. For Kiwi businesses prioritising corporate travel sustainability, there’s a lot to learn from how Paris is planning and executing this global event. Let’s dive into how your business can score high on sustainability while managing business travel needs.
half of nz travellers choose flexibility over cost sum

Half of New Zealand business travellers choose flexibility over cost of fare

Data from SME travel management company, Corporate Traveller has revealed that over half of the company’s New Zealand clients rescheduled their flight in the first six months of 2024. Corporate Traveller New Zealand General Manager, Angie Forsyth said there was a growing trend of corporate customers looking for flexibility in their travel arrangements to better align with their everevolving schedules.

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