Corporate Traveller’s parent company Flight Centre Travel Group today released its FY22 first-half results, highlighting a significant improvement in trading conditions globally and a bright outlook.
More than 20 years in business travel has taught us that getting from A to B is only one part of the experience. Dig a little deeper with our Expert Insights.

The Corporate Traveller difference
Our mission is to provide SMEs with the most customer centric, collaborative and valuable experience possible.
We’re here to help our customers to grow: after all, our measure of success is your success. We’re with you on the entire journey.

Tom Walley announced as Global Managing Director of Corporate Traveller
Corporate Traveller has announced that long-serving senior leader Tom Walley will take the reins as the new Global Managing Director of SME specialist division Corporate Traveller.

2022: The Year of the TMC
Now that 2021 is in our rear view mirror, it's time to take stock. Because despite a turbulent year, Flight Centre’s corporate brands achieved extraordinary results, including processing 13,685 refunds; securing over 5,000 customer air credits; fielding 52,753 calls (6,416 of those were after hours), and tracking 53,347 Kiwi travellers.

Business travel etiquette: Have the rules changed?
Are handshakes back in or is the slightly awkward elbow ‘bump’ here to stay? How do you approach management to request a business class seat as opposed to sitting in economy when you’re worried about social distancing and possible exposure onboard your flight? Are tangible business cards still acceptable, or are they seen as a COVID risk? If so, what’s the alternative? Corporate Traveller provides answers to Business travel etiquette questions, and much more.

How we supported our customers in 2021
We have recorded the activity of our team after what has been another historic year. Times like these have shown us that working with a TMC who has both technology and offline support to help travellers and companies in times of need is critical.

Calculate your carbon emissions with Savi
Corporate Traveller releases new carbon footprint display for flight bookings.

Put your business travel provider to the test
Are you receiving value from your provider and when was the last time you spoke about what the future of business travel looked like for your company? The points raised in this article are what Corporate Traveller believes are essential for cost and time efficient travel as well as safe travel. Put your business, travellers and your bottom line first with better service and travel technology.

Corporate travel safety in a post-pandemic world
Dust off corporate travel policies, business travel is returning. Read this guide on traveller safety in a post-pandemic world.

A glimpse into the future of travel management companies
Travel management companies are preparing for a new future, changing corporate travel to be better and safer for travellers.

The future of business travel with Newstalk ZB
Newstalk ZB's Kate Hawkesby caught up with our Head of Customer Engagement, Andy Jack on the future of business travel.

How to get more mileage out of your travel budget
Explore how to reduce travel-related costs and squeeze more out of your travel budget in a post-COVID changing environment.