Pink Shirt Day

Corporate Traveller x Pink Shirt Day 2020

As a proud supporter of the Mental Health Foundation NZ, we’re getting behind Pink Shirt Day 2020. This October, people across Aotearoa will come together to stand for kindness and fundraise to support the kaupapa. 

Celebrated annually around the globe, Pink Shirt Day began in Canada in 2007 when two students took a stand against homophobic bullying, after a peer was bullied for wearing a pink shirt. In Aotearoa, Pink Shirt Day works to create schools, workplaces, communities and whānau where everyone feels safe, valued and respected. 

We hope you'll join us as we Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora – Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying! Check out for more info and register now to join the movement. 

Take a screenshot of your favourite compliment below and give your colleagues a smile. #PinkShirtDay2020